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Dairy Pride Skimmed UHT Milk 500ml

Dairy Pride milk blends the goodness and quality of fresh milk with the benefits of long life. The milk is simply heat treated to give you a longer shelf-life, which means you can use it immediately or store it for use in your favourite recipe.


Product Description


Dairy Pride


0.1% fat
British milk
Longer lasting UHT milk
No additives or preservatives

Standardised Brand

Brand – Dairy Pride

Regulated Product Name

Ultra Heat Treated Skimmed Milk

Questions and answers of the customers

    do you deliver to kent? I wanted a pack of 12. Also how long until the use by date?
  1. 0 votes
    Q do you deliver to kent? I wanted a pack of 12. Also how long until the use by date?
    Asked by Maddie on July 19, 2022 3:02 pm
    There are no answers for this question yet.